I was very lucky to be able to create illustrations for two new labels for Dead of Night Distillery in Los Angeles, CA. It was an incredibly fun collaboration with the distillery owner to come up with unique, whimsical, and clever drawings to represent the two new spirits in their line up. These spirits are special edition and yet to be released so we’ve got to keep them under wraps, for now!


(Above) Final label on finished product.


(Above) Finalized illustration of client’s concept. We combined the classic idea of the “Absinthe Fairy” with multiple other mythical creatures to give it a unique twist. The fairy is also holding a traditional “Absinthe Spoon” to create additional allusion to the Absinthe theme.

(Below) Various iterations and revisions that led us to the final product!

(Above) Finalized illustration for the 2nd special edition release! This is also a secret still so I’m hiding them on this page. The concept for this image was that it’s a collaboration with Frog Town Brewery. The client wanted to combine a frog to represent the brewery, with a scorpion, which was an existing image being used on one of the client’s other spirit labels. He also wanted to have the frog in a cupcake wrapper to represent the sweet qualities that this spirit is going to have!

(Below) Initial sketches and concepts that led to the final illustration.